Popular Gourd Vegetables Of India

Gourd means the crop plants in the family Cucurbitaceae. These include pumpkins, cucumbers, squash, luffa and melons. The gourd vegetables of India are loaded with nutrition, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals so on and so forth. In this blog we will talk about some of the most popular gourd vegetables.


List of Gourd Vegetables in India

There are many Gourd vegetables found in India. Here is a list of Gourd vegetables in India and their benefits and uses:

Sponge Gourd

This variety called Sponge Gourd is approximately 30 cm long. This vegetable resembles a cucumber in shape and size. The sponge gourd is also known as Luffa cylindrica. It is occasionally grown as an ornamental. The Sponge Gourd is best grown with a trellis support. It usually requires much heat and much water to thrive and thus the sponge gourd export from India has been increasing over the years.

Benefits of Sponge Gourd

  • The sponge gourd is said to be a great blood purifier. It also acts to compliment the liver health and abates the side effects of alcohol.
  • The Sponge Gourd is also said to reduce the blockage issues in the arteries and may even be helpful to cure various diseases.
  • Sponge Gourd juice is also given to Jaundice patients. It is said to have therapeutic properties of mending jaundice.
  • Sponge Gourd is full of dietary fiber and also has vital components like Vitamin C, Zinc, Iron, Magnesium so on and so forth.
  • Sponge Gourd is low in soaked fat, cholesterol and calories that is said to help in fat loss.

Bottle Gourd

Bottle Gourd is known to be one of the healthiest veggies. Bottle Gourd is also a versatile vegetable and has a large water content (about 92%). Loaded with minerals, bottle gourd keeps your body hydrated. Also known as Lauki or Doodhi in India, this veggie is a rich source of vitamin C, K and calcium. Due to the various uses and benefits of Bottle Gourd, the export of Bottle Gourd has been increasing over the years.

Benefits of Bottle Gourd

  • Bottle Gourd is known to have a cooling effect on your body. Drinking Bottle Gourd juice also helps to keep you hydrated.
  • Bottle Gourd is widely used for weight loss. It is known to have high amounts of fiber which helps to keep you full for a long time.
  • Bottle Gourd, especially in the juice form, helps to treat urinary tract infections.
  • Bottle Gourd is also said to help cure tummy troubles. It helps to cure constipation and diarrhea.
  • Bottle Gourd is good for your heart health too. It helps to lower blood cholesterol levels and maintains healthy heart functions.

Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd is a plant that gets its name from its taste. The vegetable becomes more and more bitter as it ripens. Bitter Gourd is grown in a number of areas like Asia, South America, the Caribbean, and East Africa. People have been using bitter gourd since ancient times for medicinal uses. It contains various important nutrients ranging from iron, magnesium and vitamin to potassium and vitamin C. Due to the diverse uses and benefits of Bitter Gourd, the Bitter Gourd export from India has been increasing over the years.

Benefits of Bitter Gourd

  • Bitter Gourd is said to help in maintaining blood sugar levels. It contains an insulin-like compound called Polypeptide-p or p-insulin which is said to control diabetes naturally.
  • Bitter Gourd is also said to be useful to lower bad cholesterol levels. The Bitter Gourd juice is also said to be anti-inflammatory.
  • Bitter Gourd is also said to be useful for glowing skin and lustrous hair. Bitter Gourd has powerful antioxidant properties which prevent premature ageing.
  • Bitter Gourd is used to cure hangovers and cleanse the liver. Bitter Gourd juice is said to wipe out alcoholic intoxication.
  • Bitter Gourd also helps to lose weight. It has low calories, fat and carbohydrates. Thus it keeps you full for a longer period.


Ridge Gourd

Ridge gourd is a popular vegetable in Indian cooking. It comes in two variants, the Luffa aegyptiaca or Luffa cylindrica and Luffa acutangula. This green fleshy vegetable has an intrinsically bland and insipid taste. Even though it has a neutral and boring palate, it offers numerous health benefits like promoting weight loss, maintaining eye function and enhancing immunity. Ridge Gourd is exported to various countries from India thus leading to the increase in the export of Ridge Gourd.

Benefits of Sponge Gourd

  • Ridge Gourd has various benefits. It is extremely rich in dietary fiber and enriched with all the vital elements like Vitamin C, Iron, Magnesium, thiamine, riboflavin and so forth.
  • Ridge Gourd is low in saturated Fat, cholesterol and calories, Therefore, ridge gourd is said to be good for weight loss.
  • Ridge Gourd contains a good amount of cellulose and also has a high water content. Thus it helps in preventing constipation.
  • Ridge Gourd also contains insulin like peptides and alkaloids that help to reduce the sugar levels in blood and urine.
  • Ridge Gourd is also effective in purifying blood. It boosts and nourishes liver health and protects the liver from alcohol intoxication.

Snake Gourd

Also known as the Trichosanthes cucumerina, Snake Gourd is a tropical or subtropical vine. In India Snake Gourd is popularly known as ‘Chichinda’ or ‘Padwal’. This green coloured vegetable has been well-regarded since ancient times for its significant medicinal value. It is widely documented in the Ayurvedic texts. Due to the growing global demand for Snake Gourd, the export of Snake Gourd from India has been on a rise over the years.

Benefits of Snake Gourd

  • Snake Gourd is good to accelerate weight loss. Snake Gourd is low in calories and rich in various nutrients.
  • Snake Gourd has almost negligible cholesterol content. Therefore, it can be safely consumed and is very good for your heart health.
  • Snake Gourd also helps to detoxify the kidneys. It stimulates the natural elimination of body wastes and even kidney stones via the excretory system.
  • Snake Gourd is said to be very good for the digestive system. It has a large amount of fiber content which helps to prevent constipation, bloating and so on.
  • Snake Gourd strengthens the respiratory system. It has a special characteristic by which it can readily loosen any excess phlegm or mucous secretion and remove them from the respiratory tract.

Ash Gourd

Ash gourd, also known as Benincasa hispida, is a fruit native to parts of Southern Asia. The Ash Gourd grows on a vine and matures into a round or oblong melon. It’s approximately the same size and color as a watermelon. The fruit’s fuzzy exterior morphs into a powdery ash-colored coating once ripened. Ash gourd has a mild taste reminiscent of cucumber, and the fruit’s flesh is a particularly popular addition to Chinese and Indian dishes. Ash Gourd export from India has been on a rise for the past few years.

Benefits of Ash Gourd

  • Ash gourd is low in calories, fat, carbs, and protein. But it’s rich in fiber and antioxidants that help to promote your health and help protect your body from disease.
  • Extracts made from ash gourd’s flesh, skin, and vine are said to have an array of potential health benefits. But more studies in humans are required in this field.
  • Ash gourd is a versatile vegetable. It can be added to soups, stews, and salads. It can also be baked, fried, candied, or used to make ketchup, jam, juices, smoothies, and desserts.

Pointed Gourd

Pointed Gourd, scientifically known as Trichosanthes dioica, is a vine plant in the family Cucurbitaceae, similar to cucumber and squash. It is a dioecious vine plant with heart-shaped leaves and is usually grown on a trellis. Pointed Gourd is popularly called parwal, palwal, or parmal in different parts of India and Bangladesh and is one of the most important vegetables of this region. Cialis generic online no prescription, offering an affordable solution for erectile dysfunction, allows easier access to treatment. For those seeking cialis generic without a prescription, consult a pharmacist on piedmonthomehealth for detailed advice and options. The export of Pointed Gourd from India has been on a rise over the years.

Benefits of Pointed Gourd

  • Pointed gourd has a high content of fiber, which enhances the digestive health. Pointed gourd also helps in treating some liver ailments and issues associated with the digestive system.
  • Constipation usually occurs due to less intake of water or due to high intake of minerals like iron. The seeds in bitter pointed gourds ease the passage of stools and thus this veggie is recommended for people who suffer from constipation.
  • The Pointed Gourd seeds help in controlling blood sugar levels. Thus pointed Gourd is recommended to many diabetes patients.
  • Pointed gourd is a low calorie food and is also high in fiber. This means that it makes you feel full without you consuming too many calories. Thus eating Pointed Gourd is recommended to those who are trying to lose weight.
  • Pointed gourd is also said to purify the blood according to Ayurveda. Pointed gourd is very good at controlling the kapha in the body. Thus people, who are suffering from an imbalance of kapha in their body, should eat pointed gourd.


Little Gourd

Little Gourd is also popularly known as Ivy Gourd, Scarlet Gourd, Tindora and Kowai Fruit. It is a tropical vine generally grown for its edible fruits and shoots. Little Gourd is said to be native across the range of Africa to Asia. The major Little Gourd growing countries in the world are tropical Africa, Malaysia, and China. Due to the various health benefits of little gourd, Little Gourd export from India has been growing.

Benefits of Little Gourd

  • It is said that taking ivy gourd leaf by mouth seems to improve blood sugar control in people with diabetes.
  • Ivy Gourd is also said to prevent Obesity. It is known to boost metabolism and thereby helps to prevent obesity.
  • In the Ayurveda, Little Gourd is said to be useful to treat diabetes. It has an ability to improve glucose tolerance and lower blood sugar levels.
  • The high Vitamin C in little gourds is said to be good for skin health. It may also help you to get rid of wrinkles and skin allergies.
  • Consumption of little gourd can also help relieve constipation.

Apple Gourd

Apple Gourd is popularly known as ‘Tinda’ in India. This vegetable is especially famous in South Asia. Tinda is used on a large scale in the Northern parts of India in curries. The plant of the apple gourd is pricky with small thorns. The Apple Gourd is said to be native to India. Due to the diverse health benefits and uses of Apple Gourd, Apple Gourd export from India has been on a rise.

Benefits of Apple Gourd

  • Tinda is known for being mild and soothing for the digestive system.
  • It also contains antioxidants like carotenoids and many other anti-inflammatory agents which help to control blood pressure, heart diseases, strokes so on and so forth.
  • Tinda is also said to prevent cancer formation. Being a water-rich veggie, Tinda also keeps your body cool and healthy.
  • Due to the high water content in this vegetable, it increases the urinary flow which helps excrete toxins from the body.
  • Tinda also contains a large amount of Fiber which helps in digestion, relieves stomach acidity and helps to prevent constipation.

Spiny Gourd

The Spiny gourd is generally a monsoon vegetable which is known to be very healthy. Not only does it have various health benefits, but also it is low in calories. Its scientific name is Momordica dioica. The export of Spiny Gourd from India has been on a rise over the years. Here are some benefits of the Spiny Gourd which you should know:

Benefits of Spiny Gourd

  • Spiny Gourd is said to be a great source of phytonutrients. Phytonutrients is a substance found in certain plants which are believed to be beneficial for human health and help to prevent certain diseases.
  • Spiny Gourd is usually found in the monsoon season and is helpful in keeping season cough, cold and allergies at bay. It has anti-allergen and analgesic properties.
  • Spiny Gourd also reduces blood sugar levels in diabetic patients as it is rich in plant insulin.
  • Carotenoids present in Spiny Gourd help in the prevention of various eye diseases and cardiovascular diseases and even certain cancers.

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