Citrus Fruits In India – Nutritions & Health Benefits

Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a well-balanced diet. Fruits of various varieties are found in India. Citrus fruits in India are one of the most popular fruits. These fruits are powerhouses of nutrition and are one of the healthiest fruits. Many experts recommend eating citrus fruits due to their various health and medicinal benefits. In this blog, we will talk about varieties of Citrus Fruits and their health benefits.


What are Citrus Fruits?

Citrus fruits meaning fruits that are usually grown on flowering trees and shrubs. They can be characterized by a leathery rind and white pith that encases the juicy segments. Most Citrus fruits originated from Australia, New Guinea, New Caledonia and Southeast Asia. Today citrus fruits are widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions all over the world. The major production of citrus fruits takes place in Spain, Brazil, China, the US, Mexico and India. Citrus fruits are usually found all around the year.

Varieties of Citrus Fruits in India

Citrus fruits are of various varieties. Sweet lime, oranges, Tangerine, Blood Orange, Clementine, Kinnow so on and so forth are some of the most popular varieties of Citrus fruits. Here are the most important varieties of Citrus fruits found in India:

  • Sweet Lime

    Sweet lime is popularly known as mosambi in India. The scientific name of mosambi is Citrus limetta. These fruits thrive in tropical and subtropical climatic regions. Sweet lime has a unique flavour and has diverse uses. Sweet limes are somewhat low in acid content compared to other citrus fruits. These fruits can be eaten whole or in the juice form, served with sugar, salt, and masala. Sweet Lime is widely found in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

  • Oranges

    Oranges are primarily a hybrid fruit between a mandarin and a pomelo. They are one of the most popular citrus fruits. These fruits are rich in vitamin c, antioxidants and fibre making them very healthy. China and Brazil are the top two producers of orange in the world. India is the third-largest producer of Oranges in the world. These fruits grow well in tropical and subtropical regions and are available around the world. Oranges are usually bigger than tangerines. There are numerous varieties of oranges in India, varying in price and quality.

  • Tangerine

    What sets tangerine fruits apart from other citrus fruits is that they are much sweeter as compared to other citrus fruits list. Tangerine fruits are generally used in desserts, salads, drinks, and some kinds of seafood. Tangerine is said to be a fruit similar to orange. But they are not the same. Oranges are bigger than tangerines, but tangerines are less tart as compared to oranges. Tangerines are famous citrus fruits in India.

  • Clementine

    Clementine is a cross between a mandarin orange and a sweet orange. Therefore, it has less acid content and the taste of Clementine is often confused with a mandarin orange. The botanical name of clementine is Citrus Clementina and it looks similar to tangerine citrus fruit. Clementine is one of the top 15 varieties of citrus fruits available in India.

  • Blood Orange

    The blood orange is rich in antioxidants named anthocyanins. The scientific name of the blood orange is Citrus Sinensis. This fruit comes under the family of orange family fruits. These antioxidants found in Blood Orange are not seen in any other citrus fruits. Blood orange can be characterised as a combination of the taste of raspberries with a citrus punch.


  • Kinnow

    Kinnow can be said to be one of the most popular names of citrus fruits in India. This fruit is a new hybrid citrus fruit that comes from mandarin and king orange. The botanical name of Kinnow is Citrus Nobilis X Citrus Deliciosa. Kinnow usually has a high juice content. These fruits are exported from India to various countries in the world including the UAE, Philippines, and the Netherlands.

  • Galgal (Citron)

    The scientific name of Citron or Galgal is Citrus Medica. The Citron fruit is said to be native to Uttarakhand. This fruit is one of the top 15 varieties of citrus fruits found in India. Galgal fruit is widely used in various industries including to make jams and quick pickles in India. Citron is one of the largest fragrant citrus fruits in India and has a variety of health and medicinal uses.

  • Pomelo

    The scientific name of the Pomelo fruit is Citrus Maxima. Pomelo is a white-fleshed fruit with a sweet taste. The pinkish pomelo generally has a sour taste. Pomelos are widely grown in Asia and are eaten at Chinese festivals and occasions.

  • Lemon

    India is the largest producer of lemons in the world. The scientific name of lemon is Citrus Limon. Lemons are largely grown in the state of Assam. It is one of the best citrus fruits and is used in preparing pickles and to add a tang to various dishes. Lemon zest is also used widely in salads and desserts. It has a high citric acid content and has its own unique sour taste.

  • Grapefruit

    India is one of the largest producers of grapefruits globally. The scientific name of grapefruit is Citrus Paradisi. Grapefruits have a unique flavour that broadly ranges from sour to sweet flavour. At times, it can taste a bit bitter too. Grapefruits come in different colours such as red, pink, and white. Grapefruits usually look like small orange citrus fruits.

  • Bitter Orange

    This citrus fruit, as the name clearly states, has a very bitter flavour. It is one of the most bitter citrus fruits that are available in the market. The Bitter orange is basically a cross between a mandarin and pomelo. Bitter orange is a fruit that is similar to orange. It is widely used in Turkish cuisines and to manufacture perfumes, essential oils so on and so forth.

  • Key Lime

    Key lime has a sweet flavour and is rich in Vitamin C. Key Lims is also known as Mexican lime, and the scientific name of this lime is Citrus Aurantifolia. The Key lime is widely used in Indian cuisines. This lime is from the lemon family fruits. There are numerous other lemon varieties in India.

  • Kaffir Lime

    Kaffir lime is under the citrus food list and is also known as makrut lime. The botanical name of Kaffir lime is Citrus Hystrix. Kaffir lime leaves are used in preparing many dishes in Thai cuisine. This lime is also used as a shampoo fragrance in some regions and is believed to kill lice and reduce hair dandruff.

  • Mandarin Orange

    The scientific name of Mandarin orange is Reticulata. This orange is one of the best and the most purchased fruits from the citrus family in the world. It is definitely one of the top varieties of citrus fruits available in India. Mandarin oranges look very similar to oranges. These mandarin oranges are specially recognised in China due to their medicinal properties. It is believed that mandarin oranges may help to treat digestion and abdominal related issues.

Health Benefits of Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits have various health and medicinal benefits. Being rich in vitamins and minerals, many experts recommend eating citrus fruits daily in order to boost your immune system and protect your body from various chronic diseases. Here are some of the key health benefits of citrus fruits:


  • Rich in Vitamins

    Citrus fruits are the best source of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system and keeps your skin smooth and elastic. It is said that one medium orange has all the vitamin C you need for a day. Citrus fruits also contain great amounts of other vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function properly. These vitamins and minerals include B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and copper. Citrus Fruits are excellent sources of plant compounds and have numerous health benefits such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

  • Good Source of Fibre

    Citrus fruits are an excellent source of fiber. One cup of orange segments contains around four grams of fiber. It is usually recommended that you should consume 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories you eat. Fiber has various health benefits. It improves your digestive health and also aids weight loss. Oranges have a high amount of soluble fiber. Soluble Fiber helps to lower cholesterol levels and aids digestion. If you compare citrus fruits to other fruits and vegetables, you will notice that Citrus fruits have a higher ratio of soluble to insoluble fiber.

  • Low in Calories

    If you are calorie conscious, Citrus fruits may be an ideal choice for you! Most Citrus fruits are low in calories but their water and fiber contents help fill you up. Therefore, Citrus fruits are also recommended for weight loss. Here are some popular citrus fruits and their calorie content:
    1 small clementine: 35
    1 medium orange: 62
    1/2 pink grapefruit: 52
    1/2 white grapefruit: 39
    Juice from 1 lemon: 12

  • May Reduce Risk of Kidney Stone

    Kidney Stones are formed when your urine is very concentrated or even when you have higher-than-normal amounts of stone-forming minerals in your urine. Fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, can raise the levels of citrate in your urine which lower the risk of kidney stones. Eating citrus fruits or even drinking juices can offer a natural alternative to potassium citrate supplements. According to some studies, kidney stones are widely found in people who eat fewer citrus fruits. Thus, consuming citrus fruits may help you to lower the risk of kidney stones in some people by raising citrate levels in urine.

  • Help to Protect Cancer

    Some research studies suggest that citrus fruits may reduce the risk of cancer. In one such study, people who ate one grapefruit or drank one serving of grapefruit juice daily had a lower risk of lung cancer. Some other studies show that citrus fruits may also protect against esophageal, stomach, breast and pancreatic cancers. Citrus fruits contain various plant compounds, including flavonoids, that may help protect against cancer. Some of these flavonoids also act as antioxidants and may block the expression of certain genes that are responsible for some degenerative diseases like cancer.

  • May Boost Heart Health

    The consumption of fruits is also known to be good for your heart health. A Japanese study found that people who eat high amounts of these fruits had lower rates of heart disease and stroke. Various compounds in citrus fruits are said to improve markers of heart health. The soluble fiber and flavonoids in Citrus fruits may improve cholesterol levels by raising “good” HDL cholesterol and lowering “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. The flavonoids in citrus fruits, including naringin, are strong antioxidants that benefit the heart in several ways.

  • May Protect your Brain

    The flavonoids found in citrus fruits may help ward off neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. In part, these diseases are usually caused by inflammation. Flavonoids in citrus fruits have anti-inflammatory properties that protect you against the chain of events that causes the nervous system to deteriorate. Some specific types of flavonoids, including hesperidin and apigenin, protect brain cells and improve brain function in mice and test-tube studies. Many studies in older adults have also shown that citrus juices may also boost brain function.

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